Classes at CORE.

Our group classes are FREE and run throughout the week!
With a varied timetable, we advertise each week's classes on both Facebook and Instagram at 7pm every Sunday for the week ahead. You can also find the class schedule within the FitSense App. The classes we run are:
A fast paced HIIT circuit, taking you through fun new exercises while burning maximum calories.
Abs Blast
A 30 minute ab focused session, great for strengthening your core!
Legs, Bums and Tums
A fun circuit class, with exercises that focus on the legs, glutes and abs!
Olympic Weightlifting
Learn how to perform the two olympic lifts (Snatch and Clean & Jerk). These lifts can be quite challenging so some experience of squats would help!
We also run a British Weightlifting affiliated weightlifting club. If you would like some more information about the weightlifting club please visit the website at, or click the on logo below.
If you would like to take part in a class, please book in via the FitSense app!